
Depending on the number of application files received, a pre-selection of the applications by the ED executive board may possibly be carried out at the end of June. Pré-selected candidates will be interviewed on July 7th and 8th, 2025 on the Jussieu campus.


Each application is evaluated by two reviewers chosen among the members of the competition jury. This jury is made up of representatives of the ED research units and personalities from outside the ED.

•    AFONSO Philippe, UMR3569, Institut Pasteur
•    ANSELEM Serge, UMRS933, Trousseau
•    AUDEBERT Chloé, UMR7238, IBPS
•    BARREAU Carine, UMR7009, Villefranche-sur-Mer
•    BENARD Lionel, UMR8226, IBPC
•    CARRON-HOMO Clémence, UMR7622, IBPS
•    COIRAULT Catherine, UMRS974, Pitié-Salpêtrière
•    DESPRAS Emmannuelle, UMRS_938, CRSA
•    DEVAUX Frédéric, UMR7238, IBPS
•    DEZI Manuela, UMR168, Institut Curie
•    DOSTATNI Nathalie, UMR218, Institut Curie
•    EL AMRI Chahrazade, UMR8256, IBPS
•    ESCRIVA Hector, UMR7232, Banyuls-sur-Mer
•    FISCHER Evelyne, UMR8197, ENS
•    GLASER Philippe, UMR3525, Institut Pasteur
•    GOUTEBROZE Laurence, UMRS839, IFM
•    GUPTA-ROSSI Neetu, UMR3691, Institut Pasteur
•    MARTHIENS Véronique, UMR144, Institut Curie
•    MORALES Julia, UMR8227, Roscoff
•    CAILLET-SAGUY Célia UMR3571, Institut Pasteur
•    NOIRET lorette, UMR3215, Institut Curie
•    PINSKAIA Marina, UMR3244, Institut Curie
•    PLASTINO Julie, UMR8023, ENS
•    ROBIN François, UMR7622, IBPS
•    GUTTIEREZ Arnaud, UMR 8104, Institut Cochin
•    SEZONOV Guennadi, UMRS1138, CRC
•    TCHITCHEK Nicolas, UMRS959, Pitié-Salpêtrière
•    TERRET Emilie, UMR7241, Collège de France
•    TOME Stéphanie, UMRS974, Pitié-Salpêtrière
•    VENIEN-BRYAN Catherine, UMR7590, IMPMC
•    VINCENSINI Laetitia, UMRS1135, Pitié –Salpêtrière
•    XU Zhou, UMR7238, IBPS

The evaluation of the interviewed candidates will be done on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the oral presentation (Coefficient 1)
  • Knowledge and understanding of the phD project and answers to questions (Coefficient 2)
  • Quality of the project and of the supervision (Coefficient 1)
  • CV and background of the candidate (Coefficient 2)

For the presentation, the candidate will explain (in French or in English at the choice of the candidate) for 10 minutes his/her academic background including the internships she/he will have carried out (approximately 1/3 of the time) as well as his thesis project (about 2/3 of the time). The jury will then question the candidate for 10 minutes in the language chosen for the presentation.

The candidate will be able to rely on video-projected documents (PDF format imperatively).