

ED 515 follows the rules dictated by the ministerial decree of May 25, 2016. It offers doctoral students scientific training through research activity within host teams, supplemented by teaching provided and validated in the form of teaching units.


The Scientific Council of the ED is in charge of defining the scientific policy and identifying the main pedagogical options of the Doctoral School.

The executive committee implements this policy in coordination with the director. A pedagogical team is in charge of the organization of the training offer as well as the follow-up of the thesis committees and the defense interviews.

Doctoral student representatives (e-mail) sit on the scientific council. Through them, all doctoral students who wish to do so can participate in the life of the ED and in particular in the implementation of various pedagogical actions (welcome day, scientific day).

Once a year, the host teams are invited to a general assembly to inform them about the general policy of the ED, its functioning and possible novelties.

Representatives of the research units

  • BITOUN Marc, Pitié-Salpêtrière
  • CARRE Clément, IBPS
  • DOSTATNI Nathalie, Institut Curie
  •  EL AMRI Chahrazade, IBPS
  • ESCRIVA Hector, Observatoire océanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer
  • GLASER Philippe, Institut Pasteur
  • MORIN Xavier, ENS
  • MOULY Vincent, Pitié-Salpêtrière
  • VARTANIAN Jean-Pierre, Institut Pasteur

Representative of the engineers and technicians

  • ERRAJI Samira
  • MASSALA Hortence

External members

  • BRAUN Nils, Secrétariat général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale

  • BROUTIN Isabelle, UMR 8015, Université Paris Descartes

  • CAULET Stéphane, Alten

  • MULTON Marie-Christine, Sanofi

Representatives of the phD students

  • DE CHANCEL Laure (titulaire), Institut Curie
  • DUDRAGNE Liébaut (titulaire), IBPS
  • GIBIER Mariette (suppléante), IBPS
  • GINESTET Maud (suppléante), Collège de France
  • GROSEILLE Justine (titulaire), Institut Pasteur
  • ROYER Marie (suppléante), Institut Pasteur
  • SHIHABI Anastasia (titulaire), Collège de France
  • BITOUN Marc, Pitié-Salpêtrière
  • CARRE Clément, IBPS
  • DOSTATNI Nathalie, Institut Curie
  •  EL AMRI Chahrazade, IBPS
  • ESCRIVA Hector, Observatoire océanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer
  • GLASER Philippe, Institut Pasteur
  • MORIN Xavier, ENS
  • MOULY Vincent, Pitié-Salpêtrière
  • VARTANIAN Jean-Pierre, Institut Pasteur
  • BARASCU Aurélia, IBPC
  • CARRE Clément, IBPS
  • CARRON Clémence, IBPS
  • DEVAUX Frédéric,  IBPS
  • DOSTATNI Nathalie, Institut    Curie
  • RAMAECKERS Ariane, Institut Curie
  • SEZONOV  Guennadi, IBPS

The operation of the ED is defined by rules of procedures which are voted on by the ED council and by the scientific council of the supporting establishment (SU).

Download the text of the rules of procedures for ED515 (french version)