Soutenance de thèse

phD defense procedure

The time between the start of the procedures and the defense is at least four months. As the administrative services of the establishments of registration and the ED secretariat are closed from the end of July to the end of August, it is strongly advised not to schedule a defense date between the end of July and September 10.

phD defense procedure

The timetable for the procedure is entirely based on the provisional defense date that you have indicated to the ED. It is therefore important that you notify us of any change in this date.

Regardless of the registration institution, the defense procedure is as follows: defense procedure

Very important: concerning the choice of reviewers and the composition of the jury, there are specific instructions for the ED, which all doctoral students must follow, regardless of their establishment of registration (Sorbonne University, ENS or ESPCI). These instructions, voted by the ED council in January 2018, are indicated in the document Composition of the defense jury




4 months before the defense the doctoral student will be invited to an interview with a member of the teaching team of the ED. During this interview, the conformity of the jury will be examined, a report on the progress of the thesis will be established and a discussion will take place on the preparation of the defense and the future projects of the doctoral student.

To prepare for the interview, the doctoral student completes and sends back to the interviewer the documents "jury proposal" and "interview form"



Once the jury has been validated by the person in charge of the interview, the doctoral student submits his defense declaration on ADUM.

For this, he/she refers to the defense procedures of his registration institution:

These procedures are also available on the ADUM profile of the doctoral student


Bureau d’accueil des doctorants de Sorbonne Université

Site des Cordeliers
15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine
75006 Paris
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 Bureau d'accueil des Doctorants Sorbonne Université