Autres financements

Other phD fundings

Other phD fundings

phD fundings

The phD fundiçng issue must be discussed with the host laboratory of the thesis because it is the laboratory which carries the doctoral projects to the various calls.

There are many fundings possibilities:

In addition to the ED competitions, there are many doctoral programs at Sorbonne Université, at PSL and at Institut Pasteur.

Different calls for phD fundings on targeted themes are launched each year by the Ile-de-France region. Closing dates and selection procedures are different depending on the call for tenders. Consult the website of the Ile-de-France region.

Laboratories can also finance doctoral contracts with their own funds (ANR, ERC, European Networks, etc.) or through calls for phD projects from research organisms (CNRS, INSERM, etc.) or associations (AFM, ARC, FRM, League Against Cancer, etc.).

For all types of phD funding other than SU and PSL fundings, the thesis director must submit an application file to the ED for validation before her/his candidate can proceed with her/his administrative registration.